
3rd Canadian Kidney Discoveries Network Meeting

Montreal, May 2-4, 2024


The 3rd Canadian Kidney Discoveries Network Meeting will be held at Le Centre Sheraton Hotel, in beautiful Montreal, on May 2-4, 2024. The meeting will be held jointly with the Canadian Society of Nephrology Annual General Assembly.

To participate in the meeting, please register through the CSN website. This will involve 2 steps.

  1. Register for a CSN 2024 Membership Plan at https://www.csnscn.ca/join-csn/.  For trainees, this will be the Associate (trainee) category, which is free. For PhD scientists, this will be theMember (PhD) category, which is $100. For MD scientists, this will be the Member (MD) category, which is $425 and ISN Membership is included.
  1. Please register for the meeting at 2024 CSN AGM Attendee Portal (csnscn.ca).

Meeting registration fees if registered as a CSN member (which is the cheapest route) will be: Non-MD trainees – $50, MD trainees – $250, PhD – $100, MD – $450. For non-MD and MD trainees, part or the entire meeting registration fee will be reimbursed if an abstract is submitted and accepted. We expect abstract acceptance rate to be nearly 100%.

Hotel and venue information is also available at the above link.

We are delighted to announce that the CKD-N meeting will feature 8 outstanding speakers within 3 themes:

Keynote speaker (in person) is Dr. Matthias Kretzler from the University of Michigan

Looking at the Big Picture with Big Data Science , moderator is Dr. Sacha DeSerres from Laval University

Dr. Brad Urquhart, Western University

Dr. Matt Lanktree, McMaster University

Dr. Sandra Turcotte, Universite de Moncton

At the Root of Kidney Health and Disease with Stem Cell Approaches, moderator is Dr. Dan Muruve from University of Calgary

Dr. Kelly McNagny, University of British Columbia

Dr. Indra Gupta, McGill University

Leveraging Experimental Models, moderator is Dr. Dylan Burger from University of Ottawa

Dr. Elena Torban, McGill University

Dr. Melanie Dieude, Universite de Montreal

For abstracts, there will be:

2 e-Poster sessions

2 Free communication sessions

By popular demand, the PI summit will be brought back, open to principal investigators only and will be attended by Dr. Matthias Kretzler, Dr. Melanie Dieude and Dr. Dan Muruve to discuss Biobanking in Canada for Kidney Research.

Important Dates

January 8, 2024: Registration opens

January 12, 2024: Abstract submission deadline

April 5, 2024: Early registration deadline

For more information and registration visit: https://catalyst.omnipress.com/#event-home/csn_agm_2024


Moumita Barua and Emmanuelle Cordat
Meeting Chairs
Canadian Kidney Discoveries Network (CKD-N) 2024